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Morgan is a dickhead. I can’t be bothered to actually hate him anymore. I have better things to do with my time. As for his writing, in my opinion he tends to preach with his particular bible pretty heavy and I just simply do not have time for him.Murph via his iPhone.

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I had the same idea about Mike Pence, especially after I read his speech in Imprimus. Outstanding! By-the-way, I don't like Huckabee or Romney. I think they fall into the check-pants Rebublican category. I don't think Palin or Gingrich are "electable" either. He's got too much personal baggage. Was Bush the first Pres to call for a Palestinian state?

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Giving objective generalised opinions on a topic like this is tough, and mostly misplaced. There are pros and cons of both; most importantly because of the fact that a marriage is between two people as well as two families. The compatibility at both levels is important. In arranged marriages in India, the former is forgotten in a majority of cases, and in love marriages, the latter.

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. Consumer complaints are the primary trigger for investigations. One recent investigation of the dietary weight-loss supplement ephedra resulted in it being banned for sale in the United States. Sources: Everyday Health, Slate.com, CNN Health/herbal-supplements, FDA.gov for consumers protect yourself health fraudÂ

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Never mind the formal questions. I fail the criteria of training two hours per week. I'd say that's a disqualifier for most of us who don't make shooting part of our careers.

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Came just in time. I saw a therapist yesterday who told me to walk just for 10 minutes. This is my assignment for the next two weeks. I plan on walking around the apartment complexes – a fifteen minute walk. And no I don’t feel like doing it, but I’m going to get some rest and make myself do it. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement.

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